Price list of tours
Price list
Based on your requirements, we will prepare a price calculation of the trip for free, including all fees associated with your transportation.
Price list for domestic tours
- Price per km (BUS): CZK 42
- Price per km (MICROBUS): CZK 20
- Price per km (MINIBUS): CZK 34
- Price for waiting: CZK 320/1 hour
- Flat rate up to 60 km (BUS): CZK 2 500 (+ waiting time)
- Flat rate up to 59 km (MINIBUS): CZK 2 000 (+ waiting time)
- Driving with a trailer: + CZK 5/1 km to the above prices
- Delivery or use of the vehicle after 11:00 p.m. CZK 3 000/one time
The listed prices do not include VAT 12%, tolls and parking fees. We reserve the right to change prices according to the current price development of PHM and possibly related products.
For foreign tours, we calculate the contractual prices.
Transportation of people and bicycles not only within the country, but also abroad
Trips to the sea
Every year we transport our clients to the sea in well-known European resorts.
Winter tours
In the winter season, we mostly visit winter resorts in Italy and Austria.
Sightseeing tours
Several years of cooperation with travel agencies have brought our clients rich experiences from visited places in European countries.
Other transport
We ensure the transport of passengers during extraordinary events of the Czech Railways. We also transport new customer buses within Europe. We provide transfers to and from European international airports for family and individual business trips.